25% Of All Texas Death Row Inmates Are from One County

Like so many other people here in Texas, I find true crime stories fascinating. It’s interesting because I wonder how is it that people would jeopardize their freedom, and every criminal’s story is a little different. But as I was looking at the list of death row inmates in Texas something caught my eye, there is one county in Texas that has over 25% of all death row inmates with crimes from that county.

It’s also interesting to find out that less than 20% of Texas’s 254 counties have sent inmates to death row.

What County Has All the Death Row Inmates

You know it’s going to be a country containing one of the biggest cities in Texas. You probably guessed correctly, it’s Harris County, which is the county that Houston, Texas is in.

How Many Death Row Inmates in Texas from Harris County?

According to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, there are currently 180 people on death row in Texas. 173 men and 7 women, this is also the smallest number of death row inmates in the state since 1985 when there were 188 individuals on that list…

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