The words “breast cancer” are impacting way too many women that I know. Unfortunately, one of Rochester , Minnesota’s kindest humans (and one of my old co-workers) has heard those words and now needs our help.
When The Word “Cancer” Hits Too Close To Those You Love
Since I was 18, I’ve disliked Doctors. “Cancer” made that happen.
When the word “cancer” is announced, you immediately see the world through a different filter. Unrecognizable words are used to describe the changes that have happened. Confusion, anger, sadness, hope, and fight are all feelings that rush at various times and I’ve felt them all, multiple times. Not as a survivor but as a caregiver.
As a result of that dislike, I’ve avoided the sterile buildings where Doctors are employed as much as possible. That means I’ve also avoided all of those “fun” tests that women are suggested to get. That all changed when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020…