Newest designs released for 28K square foot senior center

READING – In its first meeting of 2025, the Permanent Building Committee for the Reading Center For Active Living continued its push toward the finish line of April Town Meeting.

In a 2½-hour meeting at the Pleasant Street Center Tuesday, there was talk of solar canopies, foundation depth, and how close that initial estimate of $30 million is to the truth. And by the time you read this, members of the committee will have received more than 30 drawings from designer BH+A to look at, critique, and suggest potential changes. The homework given to them by BH+A architect Joel Bargmann is expected back by the end of the month.

The Permanent Building Committee is made up of chair Pat Tompkins, vice-chair Nancy Twomey, John Coote, Kirk McCormick, Greg Stepler, and associate members Ari Greenberg, Mike Nazzaro, and Dave Swyter. For purposes of the senior center, they are joined by Select Board member Mark Dockser and Council on Aging chair Nancy Ziemlak…

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