This Bar Looks Like Santa’s Workshop Threw Up in it, Now A New Hampshire Must-See

Are you kidding me? Look at this place. It’s one of Portsmouth’s most recognizable dive-bars and is now the only country bar you’ll find in the city. But you probably wouldn’t recognize it right now unless you were expecting this insanely awesome Christmas pop-up bar to come to town. Rumor even has it that Taylor Swift has been known to romp through here from time to time, which according to the locals I’ve spoken with has made this bar a serious focal point this year.

The Goat is actually one of my favorite bars to go to during the holidays when I’m in the New Hampshire area for a nice little cocktail romp. It’s always just.. there..serving the perfect atmosphere. This year they’re serving Santa’s perfect atmosphere and I don’t think they left as much as one singular chair without a Christmas decoration. The transformation on this bar is wild, watch them start from scratch:…

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