Amazing Look at Texas Laws Protecting Vulnerable Animals

Yesterday I wrote a story about a teenage girl that killed her rivals prized show goat. You can read about that here. It seems that a high number of articles are written about cases of animal cruelty, but thankfully there are laws in place to protect and punish their abusers.

What is Animal Cruelty in Texas:

In Texas, animal cruelty under the Texas Penal Code, Chapter 42, Sections 42.09 and 42.092 includes but is not limited to the abandonment of an animal without planning for another person to take custody, transportation or confinement an animal in a cruel manner (looking at you Mit Romney), the killing, seriously injuring, or poisoning an animal (goat girl), causing an animal to fight another animal (Michael Vick), tripping a horse, or seriously overworking an animal…

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