The 4 Most Expensive Hotels in New Mexico Are Worth the Price Tag

New Mexico is known for its natural beauty and rugged landscapes. The “Land of Enchantment” is home to a number of historic sites and is steeped in Native American culture. Furthermore, the state capital, Santa Fe was founded in 1610, making it the oldest state capital in the U.S. If you’re visiting New Mexico, you’ll want to take in some of the state’s best luxuries. The most expensive hotels in New Mexico offer breathtaking views, unforgettable experiences, and relaxing amenities. They may have a high price tag, but these four hotels are well worth it. (If you’re interested in the great outdoors, check out The Most Beautiful Natural Wonder in Every State .)

The Inn of the Five Graces

150 E De Vargas St, Santa Fe, NM 87501

Price: $744 – $1,725

Located in the oldest neighborhood in the United States, The Inn of the Five Graces is perhaps the best hotel to experience the history of New Mexico. The Inn’s suites and guest rooms are built into historic homes that date back to the 1600s, constructed from traditional adobe mud plaster…

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