Inside the scramble to stop the displacement of thousands of California foster children

5 minutes

For years, the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California had been the primary insurer for the state’s foster family agencies, which house some of the most vulnerable children, including many LGBTQ+ youth, those with severe behavioral or medical needs or who have previously suffered abuse. But in August, NIAC announced it would no longer insure these agencies – a decision, if maintained, that foster agencies estimate could displace as many as 9,700 children, some as soon as next week.

Pamela Davis, NIAC’s founder, president and CEO, said she never wanted to pull out of the state but that she fears court precedent under which the insurer would have to pay out in cases of abuse even if the agency is deemed not actually at fault. Foster family agencies, which help house some of the state’s most vulnerable children, are unlike other foster services. They are nonprofits certified on behalf of the state to oversee foster families, but are not eyes-on the families and foster children at all times…

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