BOCC Reverses on Parking Garage, Public Comments and Historical Site Management

BRADENTON—The Manatee County Commission held its first regular meeting since the community learned the outcome of the Aug. 20 local primary elections. The only incumbent commissioner to have advanced through the primary races brought forward multiple controversial items previously enacted by the board or administration, and commissioners voted unanimously to stall or reverse them. Commissioner George Kruse—who defeated Commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge in the primary, securing his place as the District 7 at-large incumbent on the upcoming November ballot—added the three items to Tuesday’s meeting agenda. Placed under “commissioner agenda items,” Kruse added for board discussion certain parking garages’ design work, the county’s Historical Sites transfer from the clerk to BOCC, and an item addressing the public’s ability to comment on the local government’s social media pages and posts. Opening the items, Kruse…

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