North Carolina is making $208 million in federal money available to low and moderate-income homeowners so they can make energy efficiency upgrades to their homes.
The Department of Environmental Quality is launching the program through Energy Saver North Carolina . Homeowners, multi-family building owners, and tenants who have permission from their landlords may apply and eligibility is based on those making less than 150% of Area Median Income. The highest rebates are for those making less than 80% of Area Median Income.
With the rebates ranging from a few hundred dollars to $8,000, eligible applicants can replace a furnace or a water heater with an efficient heat pump system, improve wiring in their homes, or add insulation. Those not eligible for the rebates may be eligible for energy efficiency tax credits to help offset the costs of similar home upgrades. The rebates are meant to apply to those who would not typically have a high enough tax burden to take advantage of credits…