Clinton City Council stopped a local businesswoman last Monday from posing questions about how and why the City gave county money to its economic development arm and allowed that agency to buy the four properties destroyed by fire in August on Musgrove Street.
Stacey Michaels was using the comments to council time at the Clinton City Council’s regular monthly meeting to pose the questions. She was stopped by Mayor Randy Randall, and re-directed to having a face-to-face meeting with departing City Manager Tom Brooks.
Later, it was revealed for the first time that the Clinton Economic Development Commission has bought the four properties for $10,000 apiece and has spent $135,000 to clear debris from the fire site. Next, the City has to install a fence and shore up the sidewalk, making the property suitable for redevelopment. Brooks said there already is developers’ interest in rebuilding on the four city lots. Michaels wanted to know about that approval and redevelopment process, as it involves City Economic Development Funds. Musgrove Street was re-opened to traffic 2 days after the council meeting…