Scrim returns to his Mid-City stomping grounds after a round trip through New Orleans’ suburbs

Jules Lutz, a bartender at the popular Pal’s Lounge, reported that customers sighted Scrim – New Orleans’ legendary stray dog – on the evening of Jan. 3. Scrim did not, however, pause for a salty dog cocktail or an Abita Turbodog ale. Scrim can’t abide such distractions.

The traveling terrier mutt is forever wary, forever watchful, forever ready to race away at the slightest hint of a pursuer.

Scrim’s appearance at Pal’s, on North Rendon Street, proves what many have predicted. After a dalliance in the suburbs, Scrim has returned to Mid-City. After all, Scrim got his start as a celebrity escaped dog in the neighborhood, where he dodged capture for six months…

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