FOOTHILLS—The Carolina Foothills Eldercare program was created in December 2022 by the Carolina Foothills Foundation to address the unmet needs of those 65 and older in Rutherford and Polk Counties.
Since that time, the Carolina Foothills Eldercare program has served hundreds of people providing certified nursing assistants in homes on a sliding scale fee, life alert systems, home-delivered meals throughout Rutherford County for those not currently served by the Senior Center Program, referrals to the Meals on Wheels program in Polk County, mobility ramps and simple home repairs, transportation to local doctor appointments, durable medical equipment and supplies, and food and personal care pantry items.
During 2024, 215 home care patients were served in their homes, 92 life alert systems were provided, 21 ramps were installed, 21 additional home repairs were completed, 120 transports were completed to doctor’s appointments, and 52,140 home-cooked meals were delivered to 203 people. The program is provided to recipients on a sliding scale fee basis, with most services provided at either no cost or a nominal fee…