Initiative 2066: Ballot measure wants to slow WA’s march away from fossil gas

Washington ballot Initiative 2066 , known as the “Stop the Gas Ban” initiative, is intended by supporters to benefit home- and small-business owners with cheap, reliable energy. However, opponents say it reverses Washington’s efforts to reduce the usage of fossil gas in order to lessen their contribution to climate change.

Specifically, it “would require utilities and local governments to provide natural gas to eligible customers; prevent state approval of rate plans requiring or incentivizing gas service termination, restricting access to gas service, or making it cost-prohibitive; and prohibit the state energy code, localities, and air pollution control agencies from penalizing gas use.” It would also repeal a recent state prohibition on natural, or fossil, gas service in new buildings served by Puget Sound Energy, which provides electricity to much of the Puget Sound area.

This is how the proposition is worded on your ballot:…

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