Hydrofoiling Fun From Fliteboard

Foils, from companies like Fliteboard, are the hottest thing in water toys. Courtesy Fliteboard

I was lying on my ­stomach, floating on the Ashley ­River on what appeared to be a surfboard until I pressed a couple of ­buttons on the remote-control unit strapped to my wrist. I started to glide across the water’s surface, and then I pushed myself up into a standing position. After getting used to controlling the movement of the board by shifting weight between my front and back foot, I pressed down slightly with my back foot, and suddenly I was flying.

Foiling is the next big thing in water toys, and Fliteboard is leading the way with its series of e-foils—battery-powered hydrofoils that, once you work through a small learning curve, literally let you fly through the air as the foil underneath knifes through the water and lifts you above the surface. It’s like surfing without a good swell or wakesurfing without a boat, but the foil ­underneath adds that extra dynamic that makes it so exciting to play with.

David Trewern, Fliteboard’s founder, first started conceptualizing the idea for an e-foil in Australia in 2016, and first brought the unit to the US in 2019. I got to test one at the Fort Lauderdale ­International Boat Show in the fall of that year, and instantly thought it was one of the coolest experiences I’ve had. There was one catch: The price tag for it was around $20,000, keeping it out of reach for most watersports enthusiasts, save for wealthy yacht owners looking to add to their toy ­collection. Brunswick bought Fliteboard in 2023, realizing its potential appeal, and set out to make it more accessible. Soon after, Fliteboard introduced the Flite Air, a beginner-friendly model with a board made from a soft but rigid foam board, as opposed to the more advanced carbon-fiber boards, that starts at $6,995. It’s similar to the original model I tested in 2019, and offers greater ­stability for first-time users…

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