Two Michigan University Campuses Ranked Most Dangerous In America

One of the hardest things parents have to do is start to let go of their children, and usually one of the first steps is sending them off to college. As a big step in being out on their own, parents hope they’ve instilled the things their child needs to “make it on their own”, but as we know sometimes it can be out of their control.

College campuses are meant to be vibrant hubs of learning, growth, and community, where students can pursue their passions and prepare for the future. However, safety on campus is a crucial aspect that can’t be overlooked. While universities strive to create secure environments, some face challenges that place them in the spotlight for the wrong reasons.

When it comes to campus safety, two Michigan universities are making headlines—and not for the best reasons. Degree Choices, a team of education researchers working together to provide valuable financial advice and guide prospective students to find schools and careers that best work for them, released their 2024 list of The 45 Most Dangerous College Campuses. Of those, two Michigan universities were in the top 25, with one landing in the #4 spot…

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