Smash and grab leaves popular comic book store in San Marcos buried in bills

SAN MARCOS, Calif. (FOX 5/KUSI) — A popular San Marcos comic book store was the target of a recent smash and grab, saddling it with thousands of dollars worth of damage that they’ll have to cover with savings meant to carry them through the slow retail months early in the year.

Knowhere Games and Comics store owner Mathias Lewis said the break-in happened just after 5 a.m. on Tuesday. Two men had pulled up to the front of the store, smashed the glass on the front door, took a handful of items and made a quick getaway.

“Within under a minute and a half they rushed to our statue cases, knocking over things, shattering glass,” said Lewis.

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Lewis says this is not the first burglary since the store opened in San Marcos back in 2021. In the spring of 2022, there was an attempted break-in, but nothing was stolen. This time, they weren’t so lucky…

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