10 Disgusting Facts About Indiana’s Most Misunderstood Bird

10 Disgusting Facts About Indiana’s Most Misunderstood Bird

Living in the woods by a former mining strip pit, my backyard is a wildlife haven, packed with raccoons, deer, rabbits, and tons of birds. When I first moved from Kentucky, those big black birds with red heads circling above were a new sight. Turkey vultures – or turkey buzzards as some call them are quite the sight to behold. They’re huge, sluggish, and take off like a semi-truck – slow and steady. So, if you see one eating something in the road, slow down if you don’t want a big bird plastered across your windshield.

I used to be a bit freaked out by them, wondering if they’d snatch up my little dog or cat for dinner. But turns out, they’re not into the living; they’re all about the dead…

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