12 Strange (But True) Laws You’ll Only Hear About in Indiana


Indiana—the Crossroads of America, where cornfields meet bustling cities and basketball is practically a religion. But beyond the Hoosier hospitality and scenic landscapes, Indiana’s law books have some peculiar statutes that might just make you chuckle. So grab a comfy seat and join me as we explore 12 strange laws associated with Indiana.

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No Catching Fish with Your Bare Hands or Firearms

In Indiana, it’s illegal to catch fish using your bare hands or a firearm. So, unless you’re a skilled angler with a rod and reel, you might want to avoid any fish-grabbing or shooting sprees.

Liquor Sales Restrictions

Until 2018, Indiana was the last state to prohibit carryout alcohol sales on Sundays. While now you can buy alcohol on Sundays, there are still restrictions on the hours, so plan your beverage runs accordingly.

Motorized Scooters and Sidewalks Don’t Mix

Riding a motorized scooter on the sidewalk is illegal in Indiana. So take your electric scooter to the bike lane and leave the sidewalks to the pedestrians.

No Horse Riding Above 10 mph

There’s an old law that prohibits horse riding at speeds above 10 miles per hour. So if you’re channeling your inner cowboy, remember to keep it at a trot.

Bathing Required Annually

An old, perhaps humorous law supposedly required individuals to bathe at least once a year. While personal hygiene standards have certainly evolved, it’s a fun nod to the past.

Don’t Eat Watermelon in the Park in Beech Grove

In Beech Grove, it’s said to be illegal to eat watermelon in the park. While enforcement is unlikely, maybe opt for an apple instead during your picnic.

No Spiteful Monkey Business

While it sounds wild, there are laws that regulate the ownership of exotic animals. So making a monkey smoke a cigarette is definitely frowned upon—for legal and ethical reasons.

Black Cats on Friday the 13th

In French Lick Springs, a law supposedly required all black cats to wear bells on Friday the 13th to ward off bad luck. Though likely not enforced today, it’s a charming piece of local folklore.

Don’t Shoot Rats in Indianapolis

Discharging a firearm within city limits is illegal, even if you’re aiming at pests. Better call pest control than take matters into your own hands.

No One-Handed Piano Playing

It’s rumored that in some places, it’s illegal to play a piano with only one hand. While this is likely more legend than law, ambidextrous musicians can breathe a sigh of relief.

Check Under Your Car for Peacocks

In Indianapolis, harming a peacock can get you into legal trouble. These birds are protected, so give them the right of way.

Don’t Stand in a Bar if You Can Sit

In some Indiana bars, there are laws regulating how many patrons can stand versus sit. So find a stool, relax, and enjoy your drink…

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