80-year-old Villager battling ‘curse’ of white marble chips

An 80-year-old Villager testified Monday in a deed compliance hearing that he has been battling the “curse” of white marble chips.

Edward Rust who lives at 17473 SE 76th Flintlock Terrace in the Village of Chatham was called before Special Master Terry Neal at the District Office at Lake Sumter Landing.

A complaint was received Oct. 16 about overgrown landscaping, weeds and vines at Rust’s home. During an inspection of the home this past Thursday, Community Standards found it was still not in compliance.

Rust said he has been in the home about six years but found that the white marble chips that were already in the landscaping beds at the time of the purchase have become the “curse of the property.” He said weeds have popped through the fabric under the rocks and that the rocks have gotten dirty…

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