Homegrown Healthy on Fort Monmouth

Owners and staff of Fort Monmouth’s Fort Athletic Club pose in front of the facility. Principal owner Scott Marchakitus is pictured top row, fifth from right. Thomas Pantaleo

OCEANPORT – Fort Monmouth’s new property owners, predominantly locals, are as dedicated to preserving the history of the former U.S. Army base as they are about being part of its revitalization.

Among them is Fair Haven’s Scott Marchakitus, CEO of the Fort Athletic Club (FAC), a renovated former military gymnasium on Route 537 (aka Avenue of Memories). He and his partners successfully navigated the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority’s (FMERA) bid process to secure the 1950s-era structure.

“In 2016, a group of like-minded local residents and I formed Fort Partners Group with the goal of purchasing and renovating the former fitness center,” Marchakitus said. “After an extensive multimillion-dollar, four-year renovation, we finally opened The Fort Athletic Club in October 2021. Our mission was to create a space for families, friends and neighbors to come together with a common purpose – health and fitness.”…

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