The Sperry High School students charged with raping a fellow student pleaded not guilty during an initial court appearance on Friday.
A judge will decide next month if there is enough evidence to move forward with a trial. Tulsa County prosecutors charged three Sperry students with rape by instrumentation involving a fellow student after an investigation by Sperry Police. The District Attorney’s office says the three students who are teenagers are charged as adults.
State Superintendent Ryan Walters released a statement on Wednesday about the case.
State Superintendent Ryan Walters’ Statement
“The recent allegations at Sperry High School of sexual assault of a student by fellow students are horrific. As law enforcement continues its investigation, OSDE is also investigating the reported incidents. Any student found to have been complicit in the abuse of a fellow student will be held accountable. Likewise, anyone found to have buried this issue or tried to avoid holding abusers accountable will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law…