Day trip to Cedar Lake: Head to the NWI town for a steamboat tour and other attractions

Carrie Steinweg

Times Correspondent

Times are tough and for many families summer travel budgets are strained, but you can still have plenty of summer fun with day trips in and around the Region. We took time for one recently that was absolutely delightful.

I’ve always loved spending time near water – on a beach or walking along the shoreline, floating along on a slow boat or zipping along on a faster one, staying in hotels, inns or homes overlooking water. It is one of my favorite pastimes and a way to make me instantly relax. I can be just 20 minutes from home, but as soon as I am by a lake, I go into instant vacation mode. So, our trip out to Cedar Lake made me feel like I’d traveled far beyond Lake County and far from the stresses of the regular weekday…

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