Muralists Wanted by the Valparaiso Creative Council – Deadline June 28th

    The Valparaiso Creative Council  has recently added a new mural location to our August 24, 2024 Mural Week kick-off. They are partnered with Evan Costas of Birdie’s Cafe, to help facilitate the selection of a muralist and design for this downtown location. The artwork must be captivating and tasteful, capturing the theme of Birdie’s brand, interior spaces, and color palette while staying true to the artist’s style. They are seeking artists who work in any paint medium for outdoor murals, specifically to suit the dimensions below in the included visuals. 

Submission Requirements:

  • Artist Bio (200-250 words max)
  • Contact Information (name, phone number, home address, and email)
  • Specification of mural (size of proposed design, prep needs, paint materials required, time involved, additional options of proposed design)
  • Proposed design: artist must create a digital, illustrated, or painted mockup rendered onto the building image(s) provided below to show what the proposal will look like “on” the walls.
  • Portfolio/previous work examples: 5 min – 10 max
  • Budget Information – installation fees, artist’s fees, and itemized budget for all materials

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