Florida Insurers Bilking Customers: Almost Half of Claims Go Unpaid in New Report


Waiting For Insurance CheckPhoto byOCMM

Florida Insurers are Bilking Customers: Almost Half of Insurance Claims Go Unpaid Even After Huge Rate Increases and Legal Protections Extended to Insurers by the Florida Legislature

Fort Lauderdale, FL. –A new scathing report has shed light on the alarming trend of Florida insurance companies failing to pay out claims to policyholders, with nearly half of all claims going unpaid. This staggering statistic has left thousands of Floridians reeling, wondering why they’re being left high and dry by the companies they trusted to protect them. According to a recent analysis by Weiss Ratings, three of the state’s largest insurance providers—Castle Key Indemnity, State Farm, and Castle Key Insurance—denied payment for nearly half of the claims they closed last year.

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