Why People In Texas Think The Past Was Better

In Texas, we are all about the past and nostalgia. Your brain might be playing tricks on you if you think the past was better than the present.

Considering recent events and thinking “This stuff didn’t happen back in the good old days” is just playing yourself. You might be correct about specific things, but the way things were and many things that happened were much worse.

According to a Pew Research Center study adults 50 and older are more likely to say that life today is worse than it was 50 years ago. We might be looking at the past through rose-colored glasses, or we likely have a short memory.

Things That Happened When You Were 15 – 25 Will Always Be Your Favorite

If you were big into hair metal in the late 80’s, (guilty) you might have a negative view of today’s popular music. You thought that screaming, guitar-heavy music was great when it came out…

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