Local artist publishes her first children’s book

The cover for “The American Cat and the Persian Family” by Judith Shadzi.

Judith Shadzi, known to many in Escondido as vice president of Cosmic Solar and Roofing, for her artwork, her writing and her charities, will now also be known for her new children’s book, “The American Cat and the Persian Family.”

Available after September 18 from Book Baby, you can presale order it for either the physical edition or the eBook.

Shadzi wrote and illustrated the volume with some of her oil paintings. “I’ve been working on this for a number of years,” she said. “Cosmic Solar took up a lot of my time but we have a great, very efficient staff now. So I had the time to work on my private love of writing and art. We now have a very efficient staff and Judith has time to work on her private love of writing and art…

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