Does a Yellow Woolly Bear Mean Endless Summer in Torrington?

Does a Yellow Woolly Bear Mean Endless Summer in Torrington?

I saw the cutest yellow Woolly Bear caterpillar along the banks of the Naugatuck River today, August 29, 2024, in Torrington. This is the time of year, the cusp of summer/fall that us salty old New Englanders pay attention to these little prognosticators.

The yellow was unusual, I’m used to looking for the traditional orange/rust/black-banded Woolly Bears that predict how severe, or mild, our upcoming winter will be. According to folklore, the longer the Woolly Bear caterpillar’s black bands are in contrast to the middle orange/brown/rust, the longer, colder, and more severe our coming winter. On the other hand, if the middle brown/orange/rust is dominant, a milder winter is on the way. Does a yellow Woolley Bear mean that 2024 is the year of never ending summer for Connecticut?…

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