It’s time to end Calif.’s retail theft epidemic

Six months ago, a Stockton store employee was assaulted by a group of shoplifting suspects after confronting them in the parking lot. This incident was just another example of an epidemic problem impacting California, as shoplifting increased by more than 30 percent.

To address this growing problem, the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce signed a memorandum of understanding with the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office, a first of its kind between the Chamber and DA. And through a partnership with the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors all three entities joined forces to initiate the Stockton Takes Action Against Retail Theft (STAART) program. STAART includes a public awareness campaign featuring billboards with the message “If you steal in San Joaquin County, we prosecute.” These billboards serve as a powerful symbol of our community’s commitment to protecting local businesses and neighborhoods from the scourge of retail crime.

In addition, grant funds are being utilized to help small businesses acquire camera systems for their stores so that video is available for law enforcement investigations should a crime occur. The Chamber developed an app to enable store owners to directly upload videos and accompanying information to the District Attorney’s office, in hopes of increasing prosecutions…

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