Strange Laws: Is It Illegal To Curse in Washington State?
Rik Mikals

Strange Laws: Is It Illegal To Curse in Washington State?

We all have that friend who swears like a drunken sailor. I’ve been to throw a good Rik rant in my day with a tirade of swears that would make my mom blush.

Does Freedom Of Speech Cover Cussing In Washington State?

I try not to cuss but I’m sure I’m like everyone else and sometimes the words flow. I will tell you this, I try not to cuss in front of older people and kids and I try to be respectful of my surroundings.

The question is can you legally cuss or swear in Washington State? Before I answer the question, you’ll be surprised that some states have some laws on the books regarding cussing.

According to the website, you can generally cuss or swear but if those words are followed by threats or fighting words, then you might be liable.

States like Virginia have “profane” swearing laws still on the books and Mississippi has a law still on the books that you could go to jail for 30 days for swearing in front of two or more people.

When it comes to Washington State, there’s no law on the books about swearing in public but it could be considered disorderly conduct if it gets out of hand…

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