New Housing Court judges appointed across New York City

The chief administrative judge of New York has announced the appointment of new Housing Court judges across the city, including two key appointments in Manhattan. This move is seen as a significant step toward addressing the city’s growing backlog of housing cases. Yekaterina Blinova and Adam Meyers have been named the new judges in Manhattan’s Housing Court. Their appointments are part of a broader strategy to manage the rising number of disputes between landlords and tenants. These cases often involve sensitive issues such as evictions and repairs, which have become increasingly contentious topics in New York City. Chief Administrative Judge Joseph A. Zayas expressed gratitude to both the governor and the Legislature for their support in establishing these new judgeships. He noted that these positions were urgently needed to address the court’s backlog and to better serve the residents of New York City. The urgency of these appointments is underscored by recent…..

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