Borough of Hanover Enforcement of Newly Adopted Ordinance No. 2371 and Active Enforcement of Ordinance No. 2262

Hanover, Pa. – Beginning January 1, 2025, the Borough of Hanover Department of Code Enforcement will begin enforcement of newly adopted Ordinance No. 2371, requiring all residential rental units, tenants, and residential rental property owners to be registered through the Residential Rental Unit Registration process. The ordinance, which was adopted August 2024, states that “… it is the policy of the Borough Council of the Borough of Hanover to protect and promote the public health, safety and welfare of its citizens…” The registration includes four components: a Residential Rental Unit Registration Application for both short-term and long-term rentals, a Landlord Form, a Tenant Form for long-term rentals, and a Property Manager/Management Company Form if the owner resides 40 miles outside Borough limits. A separate registration is required for each unit property location, to include the number of units per rental location, and the registration is required annually. There is an annual registration fee of $35.00 for the registration of each rental unit to be invoiced after the application packet has been reviewed and accepted, however no fee is charged to update tenant information throughout the year. Failure to comply may result in a fine of $100 for the first offense with subsequent offenses not to exceed $1,000 plus court costs and reasonable attorney fees. All forms are available at

In addition, the Department will continue to actively enforce Ordinance No. 2262 which was adopted September 2017 requiring all vacant properties to be registered annually for the dates of January 1 through December 31 or when the property becomes vacant. According to the ordinance a vacant property is defined as a residential or commercial property that is uninhabited and/or in which utilities have been suspended. The property owner is responsible for all applicable fees, and fees will not be prorated. Registration is now available on an electronic platform available at Additionally, the schedule of fees is available at All vacant properties must be registered by January 31, 2025…

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