Newton Falls Community Backpack Program Extends Gratitude to Supporters

The Newton Falls Community Backpack (food) Program continues to support local children, grades kindergarten through 5th, with supplemental food for the weekend and a book in each bag. The program would like to thank everyone for their support and particularly the following.

For much appreciated financial donations since our last article: Newton Falls Kiwanis Club, Sts. Mary and Joseph Ladies Guild, American Legion Post #236, Newton Falls AmVets Post #112, Tigre Tax Lady/Ohio Tax Jennifer Stocker, NF First Baptist Church’s Vacation Bible School. Thank you.

For children’s books: the Church Mouse (printer paper, too), Newton Falls Elementary, Kiwanis members Kathy Wujcik and Nancy Hoffman.

For the plastic bags in which food is packed: Newton Falls IGA and Newton Falls Shop ‘n Save…

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