Barry Bonds Visits Rickwood Field to Honor His Godfather, Willie Mays

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BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Barry Bonds is still grappling with his emotions following the death of his godfather, the legendary Willie Mays, but felt compelled to attend the special game featuring the San Francisco Giants and St. Louis Cardinals at Rickwood Field on Thursday.

“It’s just really tough,” Bonds admitted, noting his close family connection to Mays through his father Bobby Bonds. “I can handle everyday chit-chat just fine.

But getting into deeper conversations about his passing? I’m not there yet.

It’s a struggle, but I’m trying.”

Bonds emphasized that honoring Mays’ legacy by being at the game was important to him, appreciating the significance of the moment. “Being here means a lot. I know he would have wanted this, and it feels special to be a part of it,” he shared.

Rickwood Field holds historical significance for Mays, having been where he started his professional baseball career with the Birmingham Black Barons of the Negro Leagues, just a short distance from his childhood home.

For Bonds, hearing stories about Rickwood Field from Mays made him feel almost as if he’d visited before. His trip this week marks his first actual visit to the field, bringing those stories to life.

“I can talk about stuff like this pretty comfortably,” Bonds noted, indicating that discussions on topics other than Mays’ passing were easier for him. He humorously remarked on his choice of headwear and sunglasses as a coping mechanism, eliciting a laugh despite the somber mood.

The baseball icon, who holds the record for the most home runs in Major League Baseball with 762, made his way to Birmingham on Wednesday. He took the time to engage in a celebrity softball match, connect with Giants executives, and pay his respects to Mays by visiting his Hall of Fame plaque, alongside capturing moments with former MLB stars in attendance to celebrate the history of the Negro Leagues.

Bonds reflected on the significance of the event, highlighting the positive impact and the honor it brings to baseball. “What’s happening here is something special.

It’s an incredibly good thing amidst everything else,” he said. “It’s a grand day for the sport as a whole.”

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