California Bans Plastic Bags at Grocery Stores

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California has taken a significant step in reducing plastic waste by banning all plastic shopping bags starting in 2026. This new law eliminates the option of "paper or plastic" at grocery store checkouts, leaving only paper bags available for customers who do not bring their own reusable bags.

The ban is intended to address the growing problem of plastic pollution, as studies have shown that plastic bag usage has increased in recent years. Despite a previous ban on thin plastic bags, shoppers continued to use thicker plastic bags that were not consistently reused or recycled.

Environmental advocates applaud the new ban, stating that it will protect California’s coastline, marine life, and communities from the harmful effects of single-use plastic bags. California joins 12 other states that have implemented statewide plastic bag bans, and hundreds of cities across the country have adopted similar measures.

The new law aligns with the original intent of a previous plastic bag ban passed in 2014, which was later affirmed by voters in 2016. However, the previous ban did not effectively reduce overall plastic bag usage. With the new ban, California aims to significantly reduce plastic waste and protect its environment.

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