Excluding Me From Family After His Sister’s Death

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Ex-Sister-in-Law’s Death Reveals Shifting Family Bonds

Margery Berger, once closely connected to her ex-husband’s family, realized that her bond with them had changed after the death of her former sister-in-law, Barbara.

Despite trying to maintain her relationships after her divorce, Berger felt a shift when Barbara passed away. Invited to sort through her belongings, she recognized that she was no longer an immediate family member.

Reminders of Barbara, such as a metal ladle, an antique cranberry tool, and a stone statue, now adorn Berger’s home, connecting her to her former sister. However, the most meaningful memento is a gray pullover fleece that she took without permission.

Berger’s relationship with her ex-husband’s family has evolved. She still sends birthday greetings but no longer invites them to dinner. The death of her ex-sister-in-law has made her realize that her bond with them has shifted and that her ex-husband’s girlfriend is now considered family.

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