Family Feud Contestants Shock Steve Harvey

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Steve Harvey Encounters Wildest ‘Family Feud’ Round Yet

Get ready for a ‘Family Feud’ episode that nearly sent Steve Harvey tumbling! While shocking answers are par for the course on the show, one particular round proved too much even for the seasoned host. It wasn’t just one contestant with a wild response, but a whole family that left Harvey struggling to keep his composure.

The chaos began with the prompt, “Name someone you are embarrassed to admit you have a crush on.” Contestant Allie kicked things off with “Older men,” prompting Harvey to playfully pose with an older gentleman in the opposing family. Alas, the answer wasn’t on the board.

Next up, Ed dropped a bombshell with “My sister-in-law,” drawing gasps from the audience and a stunned look from Harvey. “I got to keep it in the family,” Ed quipped, but the answer was a strike.

Colleen finally put points on the board with the more conventional “Your teacher.” As her family continued to play, the eyebrow-raising answers kept coming: “Your friend’s husband,” “Your doctor,” and even “Your boss” (with a quick clarification from the contestant that it wasn’t actually true!).

Ed returned with a humorous answer, “My physical trainer. That way I don’t have to worry ’cause there isn’t one,” earning a laugh and a fist bump from Harvey.

After Colleen added “My neighbour” to the board, the pressure was on Kathy. With two strikes already, she delivered the line that nearly broke Harvey: “Your son’s friend.”

The look on Harvey’s face was priceless. Kathy insisted someone else had said it, but Harvey wasn’t having it.

“You said it, Kathy!” he retorted.

The answer was a strike, giving the opposing family a chance to steal – and they did!

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