Giuliani Must Pay Firm Nearly $300K After Case Dismissed

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Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is facing financial woes as he owes approximately $300,000 to Global Data Risk (GDR), a firm that investigated his finances during his bankruptcy case.

Giuliani initially requested a reduction of nearly $80,000 from the amount owed. However, a bankruptcy judge granted him a 7.5% cut, saving him around $25,000.

GDR argues that the lengthy investigation was necessary due to Giuliani’s lack of transparency and compliance with court orders. Giuliani’s lawyers, on the other hand, claim that GDR’s billing is excessive and duplicative.

The judge acknowledged that Giuliani’s lack of financial transparency resulted in additional work for GDR but agreed to a modest reduction in the amount owed.

Giuliani faces ongoing legal battles, including a sexual assault suit and a defamation case in Georgia. In the latter, plaintiffs are seeking to seize his assets to recover $150 million in damages.

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