Kidnapped Boy Found Alive After 70 Years

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Reunited After Decades: Kidnapped Man Found

Luis Albino, kidnapped at age 6 in 1951, has been reunited with his family after over seven decades. His niece, Alida Alequin, used an online ancestry test, old photos, and newspaper clippings to locate him.

Albino, now a retired firefighter and Marine Corps veteran, was living on the East Coast. His family had never given up hope of finding him, and his photo had remained a constant reminder in their homes.

Alequin’s relentless efforts played a crucial role in her uncle’s discovery. She praised the Oakland police, FBI, and Justice Department for their assistance.

The kidnapping remains an open investigation, and authorities are continuing to seek information. Albino’s family is grateful to have him back and cherishes the time they have together.

Alequin’s story highlights the power of perseverance and the importance of not giving up on missing loved ones. She hopes her experience inspires other families to continue their search.

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