Learning to Grieve: Life Lessons from a Single Dad

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The story I share is one of deep personal loss and finding a way through the unique pain of grief. My father, a courageous Jamaican immigrant who defied the odds to become a self-made entrepreneur, was not only a testament to the American dream but also my personal hero.

Unlike the fictional heroes of cinema, his superpowers were his resilience and ability to turn dreams into reality. He started with very little, only a fourth-grade education, but through sheer determination, he built a better life for our family in Providence, Rhode Island.

His journey from a childhood with the most humble beginnings to creating a loving home for us, complete with all the achievements he only once dreamed of, is a narrative I hold close to my heart.

By the time I reached adulthood, tragedy had already struck with the loss of my mother. Nevertheless, when my father passed away in 2022, I realized that my previous experiences with loss did not fully prepare me for the magnitude of losing him.

Our bond was unparalleled, sharing not only a zodiac sign but a deep, reflective connection that often felt like gazing into a mirror. Raised as a single parent, he navigated the complexities of parenting from a distance, a challenge amplified in an era before the digital communication comforts of today.

The pandemic posed the only significant interruption to our regular interactions, but after being vaccinated, I flew home for what would unknowingly be our final visit. A spontaneous trip together brought back a flood of cherished memories from my childhood, marking our last shared moments.

His passing left a void, further complicated by the unresolved circumstances surrounding his death. Amid this profound grief, I struggled to articulate the depths of my sorrow but found solace in creating “Sorry For Your Loss (Cards),” a greeting card company and community designed to support those in mourning. This venture, inspired by my journey through grief, aims to ease the pain of others by facilitating ways to show up for those grieving.

As Father’s Day approaches, I honor his memory not only by cherishing the love and lessons he left behind but by finding avenues to navigate my grief positively. Whether through writing letters, visiting meaningful places, or creating playlists of songs that remind me of him, these acts of remembrance serve as a testament to his lasting impact on my life.

In sharing this journey, my hope is to offer solace to others facing similar losses, emphasizing that while the path through grief is deeply personal, no one has to walk it alone.

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