Musk Can Keep Tesla Union Tweet

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A federal court has ruled that Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s 2018 tweet suggesting workers would lose stock options if they formed a union is protected speech.

The ruling overturns a previous order from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) requiring Musk to delete the tweet.

The court stated that Musk’s tweet did not constitute “unprotected communication” and that the NLRB has no authority to remove protected speech.

The ruling stems from a complaint filed by three pro-union Tesla workers and the United Auto Workers (UAW) accusing Tesla of unfair labor practices.

Musk has previously criticized the UAW, alleging it provided minimal job security during the last recession and reduced benefits for unionized workers.

The UAW has also filed labor charges against Musk and former President Donald Trump for comments made during an interview in which they advocated for firing striking workers.

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