NYC Mayor Adams Locked Phone Before FBI Seizure

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Mayor Adams Faces Indictment Over Alleged Corruption

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted on federal charges, including accepting illegal foreign donations and obstructing a federal investigation.

Phone Shenanigans

The indictment details numerous phone-related incidents, including messages in which an Adams campaign staffer allegedly discussed illegal contributions. When the FBI visited the home of a key fundraiser, Adams quickly returned to New York, allegedly deleting messaging apps from his staff’s phones.

Forgotten Password

When the FBI sought Adams’ personal phone, he initially produced it but claimed to have forgotten the password. The indictment suggests this was an attempt to conceal evidence, as investigators were able to obtain text messages from the phone despite Adams’ claim.

Phone Seizures

Federal agents have also seized phones belonging to several other city officials, including the police commissioner and deputy mayors. Early Thursday morning, agents raided the mayor’s residence to seize another phone.

No Comment

Adams has proclaimed his innocence and has not responded to requests for comment on the indictment.

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