Package Snatched Seconds After FedEx Delivery, Doorbell Video Captures Dueling Thieves

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Two individuals seemed to be vying for the title of top criminal, at least according to a video that appears to capture them in a race to snatch the same FedEx package.

Recent footage shared on social media shows a bizarre scene outside a home in Pennsylvania, where two men are seen sprinting towards a doorstep in what looks like a coordinated attempt to pilfer a package shortly after it was delivered by FedEx.

The video captures a moment just after the delivery person snaps a photo of the package and walks away. Almost immediately, a man exits a white car while another man, trailing in a vehicle behind him, also steps out. A race ensues between the two towards the package.

Upon reaching the package simultaneously, one of the men seems to lash out at the other, possibly with an object that some speculate could be a weapon.

The confrontation quickly ends with one man seizing the package, effectively claiming victory. However, the other person doesn’t retreat easily; he grabs a plant pot and chases after the victor, nearly attempting to throw it at him.

Oddly enough, both cars then depart the scene together heading in the same direction, leaving it ambiguous whether the event was a spontaneous crime of opportunity or something more orchestrated.

Kevin Lara, who posted the video and claims to be the homeowner, revealed that the stolen item was indeed valuable, containing a couple of high-end phones from AT&T.

This incident raises eyebrows on how competitive package theft has apparently become.

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