Pentagon Warns North Korean Troops Could Be ‘Cannon Fodder’ in Ukraine Conflict

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In a recent statement, the Pentagon expressed concerns over North Korea’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict, suggesting that North Korean soldiers being sent to support Russia would essentially serve as expendable troops. The warning comes amid discussions of North Korean military units potentially heading to Ukraine to bolster Russian forces. The two countries recently sealed a security agreement, raising the prospect of North Korean military engagement in the region.

Major General Pat Ryder, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, conveyed apprehension about North Korea’s decision to potentially dispatch its military personnel to Ukraine, characterizing it as a risky move that could result in North Korean forces being used as sacrificial pawns in what he termed an “illegal war against Ukraine.”

This statement was in response to reports that North Korea might be preparing to send army engineering units to assist in reconstruction efforts in the Donetsk region of Ukraine, a territory currently under Russian control. South Korean media, citing government sources, indicated that these forces could be deployed as soon as the following month.

The partnership between Russia and North Korea, formalized earlier in a mutual security arrangement, has drawn sharp criticism from several countries, including the U.S. and Japan. In response, South Korea has hinted at the possibility of providing military aid to Ukraine, viewing the Russia-North Korea agreement as a direct threat to its national security.

The Pentagon has voiced its concerns over the potential implications of North Korean military support for Russia, pointing to the substantial casualties Russia has already incurred since the beginning of the conflict in February 2022. The UK Ministry of Defence estimated that Russia has suffered approximately 500,000 military casualties, with daily losses averaging over 1,200 personnel in May alone.

Reports have surfaced suggesting Russia employs tactics that treat its soldiers as expendable, including overwhelming Ukrainian defenses with poorly supported infantry assaults. A Russian military strategist admitted the grim reality of sending troops into battle with minimal chances of survival, a tactic designed to preserve the illusion of victory among the ranks.

This development underscores the global apprehension surrounding the deepening military cooperation between Russia and North Korea and its potential impact on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

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