Retired Boomer Finds Cheaper, Calmer Life in Panama After Family Tragedy

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Over a decade ago, Janet Sussman opted for a fresh start by leaving Florida for the scenic coasts of Panama, a move prompted by a sequence of life-altering challenges.

Sussman, who had once aspired to settle in a quaint cabin in upstate New York, found herself pursuing a radically different path in 2012 following the tragic death of her son in a construction accident and her husband’s debilitating stroke in 2006. During this fraught period, she juggled multiple jobs, schooling, and the care of her husband, all amidst financial and emotional turmoil. Eventually, the allure of Panama’s significantly lower cost of living, supportive community, and natural beauty convinced her to relocate, where she embarked on a journey as a full-time house-sitter, relishing a more connected and healthful way of life.

Originally from Philadelphia and later a resident of Tarpon Springs, Florida, Sussman’s career evolved from hotel catering to pioneering a non-profit organization aimed at teaching at-risk youths. However, the consecutive personal tragedies and economic challenges, including the 2008 recession, steered her towards exploring Panama, a country she felt a deep, almost predestined connection with during a visit in 2009.

In Panama, Sussman carved out a niche for herself by launching a shuttle service between the airport and hotels before transitioning to teaching at an international school. Her entrepreneurial spirit later led her to establish and then sell a language school, aiming for a less demanding workload as she neared retirement. Today, her lifestyle is funded by house-sitting, allowing her to explore the country while residing intermittently in Airbnbs.

Sussman’s adaptation to Panamanian life was significantly shaped by her experiences with the local community, which taught her invaluable lessons about happiness, generosity, and resilience. She noted the stark contrasts in living standards and community support compared to her experiences in the US, which cemented her decision to make Panama her long-term home. Her efforts to integrate included learning Spanish, which has deepened her appreciation and understanding of the local culture and people.

The affordability of life in Panama starkly contrasts with the US. For example, Sussman cited the lower costs of housing, utilities, and daily expenses, including dramatically cheaper fresh produce and dining options. Moreover, she highlighted Panama’s benefits for senior residents, such as discounts on various services and tax exemptions, which have further eased her financial concerns.

While acknowledging that certain costs, like gasoline, might be higher, Sussman expresses contentment with her new life’s simplicity and the immediate embrace of the present moment it encourages. Her story illustrates a journey of resilience and discovery, embracing the unexpected turns of life by finding peace and fulfillment in a new country.

For those contemplating a similar cross-border move, Sussman’s experiences offer both inspiration and a realistic glimpse into the practicalities and emotional adjustments involved in relocating abroad.

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