Russian Deaths in Ukraine Reach 70,000

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Russian Casualties in Ukraine Soar

Russian losses in Ukraine have exceeded 70,000, according to a joint report by the BBC and Russian media outlet Mediazona. The toll includes civilians who volunteered to fight after the invasion and convicts recruited into the military.

The report was compiled from obituaries, death notices, and official records. However, the actual number of casualties is believed to be significantly higher due to unreported deaths.

Russia’s strategy of frontal assaults, known as "meat grinders," has resulted in heavy casualties. Troops are sent in waves to overwhelm Ukrainian positions or expose their location.

While neither Russia nor Ukraine officially releases casualty figures, Western intelligence estimates suggest that Russian losses could be as high as 200,000 killed and 400,000 wounded.

Russia has been replenishing its ranks through lucrative contracts and prisoner recruitment. However, President Putin is hesitant to impose a general military draft due to concerns about social unrest.

The war has become a battle of attrition, with heavy use of drones, artillery, and Russian tactics leading to steep casualties. Despite recent advances by Russia, Ukraine has also made territorial gains.

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