Steve Harvey Doesn’t Know Spider-Man

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Steve Harvey’s “Who’s He?” Moment on Celebrity Family Feud Goes Viral

Game show host and comedian Steve Harvey found himself in a hilarious predicament on a recent episode of “Celebrity Family Feud,” proving that even cultural icons can have a generational knowledge gap. The episode featured the families of “American Idol” alums Clay Aiken and Katharine McPhee battling it out for charity.

During a round where contestants had to “Name a famous Tom that a girl would love to go to the prom with,” Aiken’s teen son quickly buzzed in with “Tom Hanks.” McPhee’s family followed with “Tom Brady.” However, things took a comical turn when McPhee’s sister answered with “Tom Cruise,” prompting Harvey to quip, “Well, that’s the three I know.”

The real amusement began when a contestant offered “Tom Hiddleston” as an answer. A bewildered Harvey reacted with a confused “Who is he?”

Even after Katherine McPhee explained that Hiddleston played Loki in the Marvel films, Harvey seemed lost. The Aikens then swooped in with “Tom Holland,” leading to another priceless moment of Harvey asking, “Who’s Tom Holland?”

Someone from the audience had to inform him that Holland portrays Spider-Man.

The exchange quickly went viral, with fans online ribbing Harvey for not recognizing two of the biggest stars in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Some questioned the survey’s demographics, suggesting that teenage girls might have given different answers.

This isn’t the first time Harvey’s forgetfulness has been a source of amusement. He has previously joked about his difficulty remembering names, even showcasing a montage of himself struggling to recall guests’ names on his talk show.

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