US Portions Surprise Kids from UK: “Big Food” and “Lots of Ice” Astonish Visiting Family

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An American mom residing in the UK shared her three children’s astonishment upon visiting the United States for the first time in eight years, noting the notable scale of life in the US, from the size of cars and meals to an abundance of ice in drinks.

Living across the Atlantic has kept the family apart from their American roots, mainly due to logistical challenges, the pandemic, and financial constraints. The family eagerly anticipated their month-long visit, viewing the US through fresh eyes, despite the shared language, the countries harbor plenty of differences including cultural and systemic ones, from healthcare and education to salaries.

Upon their arrival in Washington, DC, the differences became apparent right from the parking lot. The kids were quick to notice the American penchant for large vehicles such as Chevrolets, GMCs, Lincolns, and numerous pickup trucks, a stark contrast to the smaller, more fuel-efficient cars preferred in the UK due to higher gas prices, narrower roads, and limited parking.

The vastness of American roads also caught their attention immediately, with the complex interlocking of overpasses and highways vastly differing from the roundabouts back home. The experience of driving on the right side of the road added to their list of amusing discoveries.

Another aspect of American life that surprised them was the widespread use of air conditioning, a stark contrast to the brief hot spells in the UK managed by simply opening windows and utilizing minimal summer wear, as few homes are equipped with AC units.

Dining out revealed more about American excess, particularly in the size of food portions and the generous inclusion of ice in drinks — both novel and somewhat overwhelming for the kids. Their first meal in the US, at Bob Evans, where the size of the pancakes alone was a topic of conversation, exemplified this. Even a visit to a gas station was an eye-opener, with the children marveling at the large portions of snacks and drinks available.

This adventure provided the family with a plethora of surprises, highlighting the cultural nuances between the UK and US through the eyes of three children encountering their mother’s homeland anew.

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