Whoopi Goldberg Opens Up About Cocaine Addiction Low Point in New Memoir

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**Whoopi Goldberg Opens Up About Battle with Cocaine Addiction in New Memoir**

In an eye-opening section of her latest memoir, “Bits and Pieces,” acclaimed actress and television host Whoopi Goldberg shares a candid recount of her struggle with cocaine addiction. The memoir sheds light on a darker period of Goldberg’s life, beginning in the 1980s when she initially experimented with cocaine. Goldberg admits to believing she could control her usage and avoid the pitfalls of addiction, a sentiment that would prove dangerously optimistic.

For years, Goldberg maintained her consummate professionalism in the public eye, even as her personal battle with addiction waged on behind closed doors. However, the facade began to crumble when her substance abuse started interfering with her work, a consequence she hadn’t anticipated.

A particularly harrowing incident served as the wake-up call Goldberg needed. In a moment that reads like a scene from a movie, a hotel maid discovered her hidden in a closet, face smeared with cocaine.

This moment of vulnerability and the realization of how far she had fallen pushed Goldberg to confront the reality of her situation. She recognized the urgent need for change, driven by a desire to avoid further harm to herself and the disappointment of her family.

Goldberg’s journey to sobriety following this incident marks a significant chapter in her life, one that she bravely shares with the world in “Bits and Pieces.” Her story is not only a personal revelation but serves as a beacon of hope for others facing similar battles, illustrating the possibility of redemption and the power of resilience.

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